“Durant el primer mes de confinament a causa de la covid-19, he sentit la necessitat d’escriure i gravar una nova cançó. Perquè ara més que mai necessitem estar units i mantenir la força. Perquè rere cada finestra hi ha una o més vides, cadascuna amb la seva història personal.” El cantant menorquí Guiem Soldevila, rere els vidres de casa seva, ha escrit aquesta cançó.

Something’s flicked the switch
The alarms empty the streets
strange feelings come to my head
It seems like the clouds don’t feel the rain
Let the gates stand open wide
Don’t let cruelty eat your mind
Leave behind all the reasons that have led you here

There’s a heart in every window, sighs in every room
I’m calling you, so don’t get stuck on a dream
There’s a heart in every window, moving through the air
There’s no turning back, we’ll never be the same again

Too engaged in navel-gazing
We didn’t recognize the light
We’re still in the water
But soon our feet will touch the ground
We didn’t see the new predators
We need an understanding voice
There are cries that can’t be heard, traces of war
Sparks on our skins of dried suns

A bird has landed on my hand
like a dream I once had
And raising its gaze it gently says to me:

Pick up your broken wings and come out of the dark
Let’s see the new dawn, now it’s time to fly away
Watch how all the hearts rise from the windows to the sun
There’s no turning back, we are one and one is all
I tell you this, from my window to your heart


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