Se sent un zero a l’esquerra, com si ningú la veiés. Cada nit, quan arriba a casa, l’espera el seu home, que l’ensorra més avall d’on creia que podia caure. Un dia una mà amiga li atansa un paraigua per apaivagar la tempesta que fa temps que aguanta. I agafa aire i és valenta.

L’animació Grow és el nou videoclip de la cantant britànica Frances, que ha desenvolupat l’agència britànica BBH Londres. A través del vídeo, dissenyat per l’estudi brasiler Le Cube i dirigit per Ralph Karam, es pretén conscienciar sobre la violència domèstica i mostrar suport a l’ONG Refuge.

Don’t put your eyes down
You’re not to blame
I know there are stories
You can’t explain
But if I should find you black and blue
And aching from crying, I’ll wait with you

Grow, grow
Oh, so you know it all
Then it’s gone
Grow, grow
You know I’m here holding on
Tying up your loose ends
And you’re drifting esteem
Grow, grow
If you never try, you’ll never know

I’ve left you a white page by the door
There’s no need to ask me what it’s for
I wait by the front step for your return
And hear every story of what you’ve learned

Oh, so you know it all
Then it’s gone
Grow, grow
You know I’m here holding on
Tying up your loose ends
And you’re drifting esteem
Grow, grow
If you never try, you’ll never know
Grow, grow
Grow, grow

Throw your arms and grow your heart out
Throw your arms and grow your heart out
Throw your arms and grow your heart out

Grow, grow
Grow, grow
And don’t put your eyes down
You’re not to blame
I know there are stories
You can’t explain

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