El 26 de novembre de 1976, Paul Cook, Steve Jones, John Lydon i Glen Matlock, els anglesos Sex Pistols, van publicar Anarchy in the U.K., el seu primer senzill. Prop d’un anys més tard, amb Sid Vicious integrat a la banda en substitució de Glen Matlock, la van incloure al seu únic disc d’estudi Nevermid the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols.

Right now ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
I am an anti-Christ
I am an anarchist
Don’t know what I want
But I know how to get it
I want to destroy the passerby

‘Cause I want to be anarchy
No dogs body

Anarchy for the U.K.
It’s coming sometime and maybe
I give a wrong time, stop a traffic line
Your future dream has sure been seen through

I want to be anarchy
In the city

How many ways to get what you want
I use the best, I use the rest
I use the N.M.E.
I use anarchy

‘Cause I want to be anarchy

Is this the MPLA
Or is this the UDA
Or is this the IRA
I thought it was the U.K.

Or just another country
Another council tenancy
I want to be anarchy
And I want to be anarchy
(Oh what a name)
And I want to be an anarchist
(I get pissed, destroy!)

Foto: Facebook Sex Pistols

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