We Got Your Back vol dir, literalment, et cobrim les espatlles, et donem suport. Aquesta cançó parla de la importància de posar les cures al centre, tant a nivell personal com col·lectiu, des de la família i des de la comunitat. Tot això vehiculat a través de la cura del cabell com a símbol de lluita i resistència del col·lectiu afro”. Presentem el segon avançament del nou disc de The Sey Sisters, el grup format per les germanes Edna Sey, Yolanda Sey i Kathy Sey. Porta per títol We Got Your Back i es publicarà amb Satélite K el 14 de maig.

We Got Your Back

The ancestors got me, I feel their warmth

There’s that feeling, there’s that weight
that some days are made
to be paused and just heal your soul.

Can’t stop crying, I feel that anger
but then I can hear that voice:

“When you feel the aching
and you’re feeling helpless
come by our side
we got your back”

Thousands of hands that will catch my soul
With their embrace I am feeling home
Sharing my burden, I’m not alone
The ancestors got me, I feel their warmth

Sometimes I can’t keep holding on
and the grief of my heart
seems like it’s tearing me apart

But I’m being healed by my community embracing with strength and love

“When you feel the aching
and you’re feeling helpless
come by our side
we got your back”

Thousands of hands that will catch my soul
With their embrace I am feeling home
Sharing my burden, I’m not alone
The ancestors got me, I feel their warmth

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