Chuck Berry va néixer el 18 d’octubre del 1926 a Saint Louis (Missouri), on va morir als 90 anys el 18 de març del 2017. Recordem la llegenda del rock and roll escoltant un dels seus clàssics cantat per ell i pel Boss.

It was a teenage wedding
And the old folks wished them well
You could see that Pierre did truly love
The Mademoiselle

And now the young Monsieur and Madame
Have rung the chapel bell
“c’est la vie” say the old folks
It goes to show you never can tell

They furnished off an apartment
With a two room Roebuck sale
The coolerator was crammed
With TV dinners and ginger ale

But when Pierre found work
The little money comin’ worked out well
“c’est la vie” say the old folks
It goes to show you never can tell

They bought a souped-up jitney
‘twas a cherry red ’53
They drove it down to New Orleans
To celebrate their anniversary

It was there where Pierre was married
To the lovely Mademoiselle
c’est la vie say the old folks
It goes to show you never can tell

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