Calling You

A desert road from vegas to nowhere

Autor Redacció
El 1987 es va estrenar la pel·lícula Bagdad Cafe, que va dirigir Percy Adlon. La seva banda sonora va incloure dues versions de la cançó Calling You, una interpretada per Jevetta Steele i l'altra per Bob Telson, el seu autor, que va ser nominada als premis Oscar i va tenir gran èxit. L'escoltem en la veu de Steele i també interpretada per Jeff Buckley i Céline Dion.

A desert road from vegas to nowhere,
Some place better than where you've been.
A coffee machine that needs some fixing
In a little café just around the bend.

I am calling you.
Can't you hear me?
I am calling you.

A hot dry wind blows right through me.
The baby's crying and I can't sleep,
But we both know a change is coming,
Coming closer sweet release.

I am calling you.
I know you hear me.
I am calling you.

I am calling you.
I know you hear me.
I am calling you.

A desert road from vegas to nowhere,
Some place better than where you've been.
A coffee machine that needs some fixing
In a little café just around the bend.

A hot dry wind blows right through me.
The baby's crying and I can't sleep
And I can feel a change is coming,
Coming closer sweet release.

I am calling you.
Can't you hear me?
I am calling you.

Data de publicació: 12 de gener de 2021
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