La cantant de folk i actriu Paulette Wright ha mort als 28 anys. Aquest divendres 15 de juny va desaparèixer i la van trobar l’endemà en una central elèctrica de Reims, a França. Tot i que el cas encara està obert, la policia creu que l’artista es va suïcidar, que va morir electrocutada després de pujar en una torre d’electricitat voluntàriament. La recordem escoltant-ne una cançó.

Let me shiver
As a silent observer
As a child would do
let me listen to you
dear man
don’t misunderstand
I’m here as a dreamer to learn
not as a lover you’d burn out
don’t mistake me
I’m here as in a stream
beyond the need
beyond the need
beyond that need
beyond the need

I’ll let you hold me
and I’ll let you own me
I’ll give in if that is what you need
but dear man
you misunderstand
how can I stay wholehearted
how can I stay enchanted
if I let you hold me
beyond the need
beyond that need
beyond the need

Just Let me shiver
As a silent observer
As a child would do
let me listen to you

Foto: Facebook Paulette Wright

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