16 de febrer del 2017. Brisbane Entretainment Center, a Austràlia. Al públic, entre pancartes, Bruce es fixa en un missatge concret: “No he anat a l’escola, puc tocar Growing Up amb tu?”. El Boss es dirigeix al noi que ho ha escrit: “La saps tocar amb la guitarra? Bé, puja”. Nathan Testa, de 15 anys, es treu una pua de la butxaca i amb tota la decisió del món hi va. De fet, aquesta és la segona vegada que comparteixen escenari: quan tenia 11 anys havien cantat junts Waitin’ On a Sunny Day.

Enmig de la interpretació, i teixint certa complicitat, el Boss li diu: “Quan tenia la teva edat, vaig tenir la meva primera guitarra. La vaig dur a casa i vaig comprendre que no es tractava de com de bé la tocaves, sinó de com de bé quedes tocant-la. Em vaig posar davant del mirall i vaig provar diverses posicions. I quan trobes l’adequada, sona així”.

I stood stone-like at midnight
Suspended in my masquerade
I combed my hair till it was just right
And commanded the night brigade

I was open to pain and crossed by the rain
And I walked on a crooked crutch
I strolled all alone through a fallout zone
And come out with my soul untouched

I hid in the clouded wrath of the crowd,
But when they said, “Sit down,” I stood up
Ooh… growin’ up

The flag of piracy flew from my mast,
My sails were set wing to wing
I had a jukebox graduate for first mate,
She couldn’t sail but she sure could sing

I pushed B-52 and bombed them with the blues
With my gear set stubborn on standing
I broke all the rules, strafed my old high school,
Never once gave thought to landing

I hid in the clouded wrath of the crowd,
But when they said, “Come down,” I threw up
Ooh… growin’ up

I took month-long vacations in the stratosphere,
And you know it’s really hard to hold your breath
I swear I lost everything I ever loved or feared,
I was the cosmic kid in full costume dress

Well, my feet they finally took root in the earth,
But I got me a nice little place in the stars
And I swear I found the key to the universe
In the engine of an old parked car

I hid in the mother breast of the crowd,
But when they said, “Pull down,” I pulled up
Ooh… growin’ up
Ooh… growin’ up


  1. Icona del comentari de: Miguel Hernández Sola a febrer 20, 2017 | 00:41
    Miguel Hernández Sola febrer 20, 2017 | 00:41
    No sé perquè però em sembla que havien assajat abans. Però.... ¡Què bonic!
  2. Icona del comentari de: Mónica Pin Álvarez a març 13, 2017 | 11:51
    Mónica Pin Álvarez març 13, 2017 | 11:51
    Bravooooooo!! Va ser una pasada aquesta actuació amb el nem. Molt bona persona per part del cantant Bruce Springsteen.

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