Bon Nadal (la guerra ha acabat)

Un altre any s'esgota / i en comença un de nou

Miki Núñez cantant per a la Marató
Miki Núñez cantant per a la Marató

La Marató d'enguany està dedicada a les malalties respiratòries. Miki Núñez i l'Escolania de Montserrat han participat al disc solidari cantant tot un himne: el Happy Xmas (War Is Over) de John Lennon. Us n'oferim un tast i també n'escoltem l'original.

So this is Christmas
And what have you done?
Another year over
And a new one just begun

And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very Merry Christmas
And a happy new year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Christmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong

And so happy Christmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones
Let's stop all the fight
A very Merry Christmas
And a happy new year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Christmas
And what have we done?
Another year over
A new one just begun

And so happy Christmas
We hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very Merry Christmas
And a happy new year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
War is over, if you want it
War is over now

1200 1482486398Bed In for Peace Amsterdam 1969 John LennonYoko Ono 13
Data de publicació: 18 de novembre de 2024
Última modificació: 01 de desembre de 2024
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