La cançó Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis, de Tom Waits, traduïda en català per Jesús Lana:
Ei, Charlie, estic prenyada i visc al carrer 9
just al damunt d'una llibreria polsosa prop de l'Avinguda Euclid,
i vaig deixar la droga i ja no prenc whisky
i el meu home toca el trombó i se’n surt prou bé.
Diu que m'estima encara que el nen no sigui seu,
diu que el criarà com ho faria amb el seu propi fill,
i em va regalar un anell que va dur sa mare
i em porta a ballar cada dissabte a la nit.
I ei, Charlie, penso en tu cada cop que passo per davant d’una benzinera
per tot el greix que duies sempre als cabells
i encara tinc aquell disc del Little Anthony i els Imperials
però em van robar el tocadiscs, t’ho pots creure?
Ei, Charlie, gairebé em torno boja quan van agafar en Mario
me’n vaig tornar a Omaha a viure amb la meva gent,
però tothom qui coneixia era mort o la presó
així que vaig tornar a Minneapolis, aquesta vegada crec que m’hi quedaré.
Ei, Charlie, crec que sóc feliç per primer cop des de l’accident
i tant de bo tingués tots els diners que solíem gastar-nos en droga
em compraria un aparcament sencer de cotxes vells i no en vendria cap ni un
en conduiria un de diferent cada dia, depenent de com em sentís.
Ei, Charlie, per Déu, si vols saber la veritat,
no tinc cap marit que toqui el trombó
i he de demanar calés per pagar aquest advocat, i, Charlie, escolta
aviat em donaran la condicional, vine el dia de Sant Valentí.
Versió original:
Christmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis
hey Charlie I'm pregnant and living on 9th Street
right above a dirty bookstore off Euclid Avenue
and I stopped takin dope and I quit drinkin whiskey
and my old man plays the trombone and works out at the track
he says that he loves me even though it's not his baby
he says that he'll raise him up like he would his own son
and he gave me a ring that was worn by his mother
and he takes me out dancin every Saturday night
and hey Charlie I think about you everytime I pass a fillin station
on account of all the grease you used to wear in your hair
and I still have that record of Little Anthony and the Imperials
but someone stole my record player now how do you like that?
hey Charlie I almost went crazy after Mario got busted
I went back to Omaha to live with my folks
but everyone I used to know was either dead or in prison
so I came back to Minneapolis this time I think I'm gonna stay
hey Charlie I think I'm happy for the first time since my accident
and I wish I had all the money we used to spend on dope
I'd buy me a used car lot and I wouldn't sell any of em
I'd just drive a different car every day dependin on how I feel
hey Charlie for chrissakes if you want to know the truth of it
I don't have a husband he don't play the trombone
I need to borrow money to pay this lawyer and Charlie hey
I'll be eligible for parole come Valentine's day
Tom Waits (1978)

“VOSC” és una secció en què Jesús Lana tradueix i subtitula cançons al català.