Riley B. King, més conegut com B.B. King, va néixer el 16 de setembre del 1925 a Mississipí i va morir el 14 de maig del 2015 a Las Vegas. Pare de quinze fills, va batejar la seva Gibson amb el nom de Lucille. Recordem el rei del blues i un dels millors guitarristes del món amb The Thrill Is Gone.
The thrill is gone,
The thrill is gone away,
The thrill is gone, baby.
The thrill is gone away,
You know you done me wrong, baby,
And you'll be sorry someday.
The thrill is gone,
It's gone away from me,
The thrill is gone, baby.
The thrill is gone away from me,
Although, I'll still live on,
But so lonely I'll be.
The thrill is gone,
It's gone away for good,
All the thrill is gone,
Baby, it's gone away for good,
Someday I know I'll be open-armed baby,
Just like I know, I know I should.
You know, I'm free, free now, baby.