
I can take myself dancing / And I can hold my own hand

Autor Miley Cyrus, Gregory Aldae Hein i Michael Pollack

Escoltem "Flowers" cantada per Milyes Cyrus en anglès i per Mishima en català.

We were good, we were gold
Kinda dream that can't be sold
We were right 'til we weren't
Built a home and watched it burn

Mm, I didn't wanna leave you
I didn't wanna lie
Started to cry, but then remembered I

I can buy myself flowers
Write my name in the sand
Talk to myself for hours
Say things you don't understand
I can take myself dancing
And I can hold my own hand
Yeah, I can love me better than you can

Can love me better
I can love me better, baby
Can love me better
I can love me better, baby

Paint my nails cherry red
Match the roses that you left
No remorse, no regret
I forgive every word you said

Ooh, I didn't want to leave you, baby
I didn't wanna fight
Started to cry, but then remembered I

I can buy myself flowers
Write my name in the sand
Talk to myself for hours, yeah
Say things you don't understand
I can take myself dancing, yeah
I can hold my own hand
Yeah, I can love me better than you can

Can love me better
I can love me better, baby
Can love me better
I can love me better, baby
Can love me better
I can love me better, baby
Can love me better
Oh, I

I didn't want to leave you
I didn't wanna fight
Started to cry, but then remembered I

I can buy myself flowers (oh)
Write my name in the sand (mm)
Talk to myself for hours (yeah)
Say things you don't understand (never will)
I can take myself dancing, yeah
I can hold my own hand
Yeah, I can love me better than
Yeah, I can love me better than you can

Can love me better
I can love me better, baby (oh)
Can love me better
I can love me better (than you can), baby
Can love me better
I can love me better, baby
Can love me better

Érem bons, tan resplendents
com el somni de dos nens,
estàvem bé fins que ja no tant
vam fer una llar però allò va anar cremant.

No volia deixar-te, no et volia mentir,
ja em posava a plorar quan vaig recordar

que sé com es compra una rosa,
em sé dedicar una cançó,
puc parlar sol durant hores
de coses que no controles.

No et necessito per sortir a ballar
ja m'agafo jo de la mà,
jo em sé estimar molt més
que no tu.

Em poso perfum que feia servir
per sentir l'olor que vas deixar,
no tinc rancor, cap penediment,
et perdono tot el que em vas dir.

No volia deixar-te, no et volia mentir,
ja em posava a plorar quan vaig recordar

que sé com es compra una rosa,
em sé dedicar una cançó,
puc parlar sol durant hores
de coses que no controles.

No et necessito per sortir a ballar
ja m'agafo jo de la mà,
jo em sé estimar molt més
que no tu.

No volia deixar-te, no et volia mentir,
ja em posava a plorar quan vaig recordar

que sé com es compra una rosa,
em sé dedicar una cançó,
puc parlar sol durant hores
de coses que no controles.

No et necessito per sortir a ballar
ja m'agafo jo de la mà,
jo em sé estimar molt més
que no tu.

Data de publicació: 08 de maig de 2023
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